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Showing rows 0 - 24 (44 total, Query took 0.0293 seconds.)
SELECT * FROM `students`
Full texts idparent_idadmission_noroll_noadmission_datefirstnamelastnamerteimagemobilenoemailstatecitypincodereligioncastdobgendercurrent_addresspermanent_addresscategory_idroute_idschool_house_idblood_groupvehroute_idhostel_room_idadhar_nosamagra_idbank_account_nobank_nameifsc_codeguardian_isfather_namefather_phonefather_occupationmother_namemother_phonemother_occupationguardian_nameguardian_relationguardian_phoneguardian_occupationguardian_addressguardian_emailfather_picmother_picguardian_picis_activeprevious_schoolheightweightmeasurement_datedis_reasonnotedis_noteapp_keyparent_app_keydisable_atcreated_atupdated_at
1 2 2018ODL001 ODL201 0000-00-00 FRANK MASOMOSOMO NULL uploads/student_images/1.jpg 76370305/77795034 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 father MASOMOSOMO Father 77795034 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 20:55:47 NULL
2 4 2018ODL002 ODL202 0000-00-00 AARON MORWAAKGOSI NULL uploads/student_images/2.jpg 75645104 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 1 0 0 0 0 father MORWAAKGOSI Father 75645104 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 20:58:14 NULL
3 6 2018ODL003 ODL203 0000-00-00 Joseph Tapiwa NULL uploads/student_images/3.jpg 72229622/75985878 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 1 0 0 0 0 father Tapiwa Father 72229622/75985878 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 22:41:04 NULL
4 8 2018ODL004 ODL204 0000-00-00 SARAH NNANISI TAUTSAGAE NULL uploads/student_images/4.jpg 73268036 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Female 1 0 0 0 0 father Tautsagae Father 73268036 TAUTSAGAE
yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 22:45:09 NULL
5 10 2018ODL005 ODL205 0000-00-00 REBAONE MOKOBI NULL uploads/student_images/5.jpg 73667005/72862206 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 1 0 0 0 0 father Mokobi Father 73667005/72862206 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 22:47:21 NULL
6 12 2018ODL006 ODL206 0000-00-00 DAVID LEROTHODI NULL uploads/student_images/6.jpg 71228173 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 father Lerothodi Father 71228173 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 22:50:20 NULL
7 14 2018ODL007 ODL207 0000-00-00 PINKIE THIITE NULL uploads/student_images/7.jpg 75590600 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Female 0 0 0 0 father Thithe Father 75590600 75590600 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 22:52:28 NULL
8 16 2018ODL008 ODL208 0000-00-00 ADELAIDE MOKALAKE NULL uploads/student_images/8.jpg 71445989 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Female 0 0 0 0 other Mokalake 71445989 71445989 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 22:54:44 NULL
9 18 2018ODL009 ODL209 0000-00-00 MOGOGI MOKOPI NULL uploads/student_images/9.jpg 76763147 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 other Mokupi 76763147 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 22:56:45 NULL
10 20 2018ODL010 ODL210 0000-00-00 NAYANG MOTLHANKA-Balebetse NULL uploads/student_images/10.jpg 71525266 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Female 0 0 0 0 other MOTLHANKA-Balebetse 71525266 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 22:59:07 NULL
11 22 2018ODL011 ODL211 0000-00-00 MORGAN KEBITSAMANG NULL uploads/student_images/11.jpg 72596685 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 other KEBITSAMANG 72596685 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 23:04:48 NULL
12 24 2018ODL012 ODL212 0000-00-00 TIRAFALO MOIPOLAI NULL uploads/student_images/12.jpg 77186170 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 other MOIPOLAI 77186170 77186170
yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 23:08:39 NULL
13 26 2018ODL013 ODL213 0000-00-00 WELLINGTON BASERA NULL uploads/student_images/13.jpg 77719077/72584366 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 other Basera 77719077/72584366 77719077/72584366 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 23:10:59 NULL
14 28 2019ODL001 19DL001 0000-00-00 Boitumelo Tsebe NULL uploads/student_images/14.jpg 76944830 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 father Tsebe Father 76944830 76944830 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 23:20:27 NULL
15 30 2019ODL002 19DL002 0000-00-00 Kabelo Mogotsi NULL uploads/student_images/15.jpg 75071630 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 other MORWAAKGOSI 75645104 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 23:25:07 NULL
16 32 2019ODL003 19DL003 0000-00-00 Goitseone Mpilo NULL uploads/student_images/16.jpg 77608458 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 other Mpilo 77608458 77608458 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 23:29:08 NULL
17 34 2019ODL004 19DL004 0000-00-00 Reuben Kenalemang NULL uploads/student_images/17.jpg 72592484 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male 0 0 0 0 other Kenalemang 72592484 72592484 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 23:33:48 NULL
18 36 2019ODL005 19DL005 0000-00-00 Pesalema Papana NULL uploads/student_images/18.jpg 73138454 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Female 0 0 0 0 father MOKOBI Father 73138454 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-20 12:20:57 NULL
19 38 2019ODL006 19DL006 0000-00-00 Galaletsang   Nthaka NULL 74562208 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Female Open Distance Learning 0 0 0 0 LEROTHODI Father 71228173 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 21:31:56 NULL
20 40 2019ODL007 19DL007 0000-00-00 Mogorosi    Boheto NULL 76264008/72346726 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male Open Distance Learning 0 0 0 0 THIITE Father 75590600 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 21:31:56 NULL
21 42 2019ODL008 19DL008 0000-00-00 Tinaye   Gagoitsiwe NULL 72400710 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male Open Distance Learning 0 0 0 0 MOKALAKE Father 71445989 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 21:31:57 NULL
22 44 2019ODL009 19DL009 0000-00-00 Donald    Mokgele NULL 72764697/75952618 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male Open Distance Learning 0 0 0 0 MOKOPI Father 76763147 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 21:31:57 NULL
23 46 2019ODL010 19DL010 0000-00-00 George   Seisabogadi NULL 71392319 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male Open Distance Learning 0 0 0 0 MOTLHANKA-Balebetse Father 71525266 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 21:31:57 NULL
24 48 2019ODL011 19DL011 0000-00-00 Thatayaone Ditamara NULL 71421040 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male Open Distance Learning 0 0 0 0 KEBITSAMANG Father 72596685 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 21:31:58 NULL
25 50 2019ODL012 19DL012 0000-00-00 Mmoloki   Batshani NULL 77050732 NULL NULL NULL 0000-00-00 Male Open Distance Learning 0 0 0 0 MOIPOLAI Father 77186170 yes 0000-00-00 0 NULL NULL 0000-00-00 2020-03-19 21:31:58 NULL