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Showing rows 0 - 19 (20 total, Query took 0.2715 seconds.)
SELECT * FROM `staff`
Full texts idemployee_idlang_iddepartmentdesignationqualificationwork_expnamesurnamefather_namemother_namecontact_noemergency_contact_noemaildobmarital_statusdate_of_joiningdate_of_leavinglocal_addresspermanent_addressnoteimagepasswordgenderaccount_titlebank_account_nobank_nameifsc_codebank_branchpayscalebasic_salaryepf_nocontract_typeshiftlocationfacebooktwitterlinkedininstagramresumejoining_letterresignation_letterother_document_nameother_document_fileuser_idis_activeverification_code
1 9000 0 0 0 Super Admin Moroka Gosa support@feelerbotswana.co.bw 1977-02-22 Single 2020-01-08 0000-00-00 1.jpg $2y$10$.ivZFb46zFFEPPm3uyeLtuxDmrpmQpTaA/8YnXnxcLU... Male permanent Other Doucment otherdocument1.pdf 0 1
6 ST004 0 1 0 Bame Balotlegi norocmedia@gmail.com 1990-06-20 Single 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 6.jpg $2y$10$rFJIZC1ZcYeDC76F9rygsOL/kUV/nDMZQNXMvOR63Hv... Female Other Document 2 1
9 ST011 0 2 0 Enoch Gagobonale egagobonale@abc.co.bw 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 9.jpg $2y$10$adGeHssanuT4ulexpNhkKOWKwAkrUTUqHx1jnOcZqeC... Male Other Document 2 1
10 ST012 0 2 0 Cain Malizimba cmalizimba@abc.co.bw 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 10.jpg $2y$10$HJPb3W8sAvjRqAXcWFMyEOcAtkZpJNH6YP2kDBBkYrx... Male Other Document 2 1
13 ST014 0 2 0 Lorato Mphusu lmphusu@abc.co.bw 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 13.jpg $2y$10$EcEyxQkTshvJgc8kzjMXDuqv409rPhePm8cjbgy3k5F... Female Other Document 2 1
14 ST016 0 2 0 Golebamang Galegane ggalegane@abc.co.bw 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 14.jpg $2y$10$RyOmEJoyPNYlFWhgAm4usOZvmixvnwGXIeaIFXENYo.... Female Other Document 2 1
15 ST017 0 2 0 Dr. Oboletse Matlhaope omatlhaope@abc.co.bw 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 15.jpg $2y$10$0cLUUPn2rpDG6ZYoS457VukhKQek/3WJrKIVVGlXo6k... Male Other Document 2 1
16 ST018 0 2 0 Titose James tjames@abc.co.bw 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 16.jpg $2y$10$YuaSnrdrWRoAmUl8XJUEROXma1jQHM3f5xus2UEBwpz... Male Other Document 2 1
17 ST019 0 2 0 Pastor   Tshosa ptshosa 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 $2y$10$4.SvN93V9S2362tvFkSWBOYsXgNWtJm7/9pRfHWpo2f... 2 1
18 KT0001 0 2 0 Kitchen   Staff ktaff 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 $2y$10$8Ll8uGcHyIS59682ZEJ7CO3Oo9bbhfM4BA9sPTlvbr5... 2 1
21 ABCS001 0 1 1 Master of Education (Adult Education) Phodiso Ntwaetsile 71616118 72554260 pdesk@abcbots.org 1976-08-28 Married 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 Box 311, Gaborone
Sefoke Ward, Tlokweng, Lot 1214...
Box 500100, Gaborone 21.jpg $2y$10$OvdbbnLulIRWP3N/g1KNaOTbtH/56QlJdYRCemGKOG3... Male Prestige Ultimate 1505376 ABSA Botswana 001 Mall permanent Other Document 0 1
22 ABCS002 0 3 2 Bachelor of Arts (Biblical Theology) 7 Years Priscilla Lekaukau 75669394 academia@abcbots.org 1981-05-05 Single 2020-02-01 0000-00-00 Bokaa 22.jpg $2y$10$m0QOhx4YfGlvIOe.16lIneKn0JfMaZofineI804fFF2... Female Other Document 0 1
23 ABCS003 0 1 17 Certificate Keamogetse Korononeo 72 603 492 psecretary@abcbots.org 1991-06-23 Single 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 23.jpg $2y$10$3R0Hmf/f843jhzX3YhtyG./0M15odkgXjq96.oDSW7l... Female Other Document 0 1
24 ABCS004 0 0 8 Tshepo Lisa Gabaikitse 72 603 492 info@abcbots.org 1991-10-10 Single 2019-09-05 0000-00-00 252 Brinks Road • Tlokweng, Sefoke Ward, Lot 12141... Lesedi Ward, Plot 1192, Moiyabana 24.jpg $2y$10$DlHRbGUFJKXKWufuL1t93eG.4BOAgekJdtnsLCclqOd... Female Current 1832113 Absa 02901 Gaborone  Mall Other Document 0 1
25 ABCS005 0 2 0 Patrick Lebetwa 73 752 991 plebetwa@yahoo.com 2020-04-01 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 25.jpg $2y$10$8uSnEeaq4bt.Lx69pSKQQuT7LaPfGMeGYHIAkP3MvZS... Male 0 1
26 ABCS006 0 0 0 Christy phdn76@gmail.com 2020-03-31 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 $2y$10$X8Q2ntGCLAzWmk0sV5CecOzblnl8MX5mXdcPgtesg1A... Female 0 1
27 ABCS007 0 0 11 Joel Rapinyana jjrapinyana@gmail.com 2020-04-01 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 27.jpg $2y$10$ZzESU5kXA51qBPMJkRyaJunicxd48GNAXzXxlrAQKys... Male Other Document 0 1
28 ABCS008 0 0 0 Matt Mann matt.mann@agmd.org 2020-03-31 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 28.jpg $2y$10$69WsG5hNC.9hZdcncY4QFeKRiM1ExztziFNTBACVyfX... Male Other Document 0 1
29 ABCS009 0 0 0 Logan Nash lnsnash96@gmail.com 2020-04-01 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 29.jpg $2y$10$S.h1PiY6wqTipMyrsBTCDu/D9YV58c8f1kkfc.shp3d... Male Other Document 0 1
30 ABCS010 0 0 6 Lindah Ramolatlhwa finance@abcbots.org 2020-04-29 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 30.jpg $2y$10$LMD1rIGXX4KLkrvxqh/cDuW68hMXscblYC3lU2JZ62T... Female 0 1